Our school is committed to providing our students with integrity based testing environments to ensure that their results are valid and a true reflection of their knowledge, application and understanding of the curriculum.
We offer a full range of testing opportunities for students. In addition to the district and state required exams for graduation during the school day, we are a full SAT and ACT test center offering exams throughout the school year on Saturdays. We also provide Advanced Placement and Cambridge testing opportunities for students enrolled in the programs. You are encouraged to visit these websites frequently to check for updates since revisions and adjustments may be posted as needed periodically.
- Access for ELLs 2.0
- Advanced Placement and SAT Resources
- Cambridge
- Florida Standard Assessments
- MDCPS Testing Calendar
Fact Sheets
- The assessment fact sheets provide an overview of the statewide assessment program and should be shared with school staff and parents/guardians in your school who wish to learn more about these assessments. The following linked fact sheets are now posted to the FLDOE’s website.
- FSA ELA and Mathematics: http://www.fldoe.org/core/fileparse.php/5663/urlt/FSAELA-MathFS1819.pdf
- FSA EOC Assessments: http://www.fldoe.org/core/fileparse.php/5663/urlt/FSAEOCFS1819.pdf
- NGSSS Statewide Science Assessment: http://www.fldoe.org/core/fileparse.php/5663/urlt/ScienceFS1819.pdf
- NGSSS EOC Assessments: http://www.fldoe.org/core/fileparse.php/5662/urlt/NGSSSEOCFS1819.pdf
Updated FSA Test Item Specifications and Test Design Summaries
- The Specifications are a resource that defines the content and format of the test and test items for item writers and reviewers. Each grade-level and course specifications document indicates the alignment of items with the appropriate Florida standards. It also serves to provide all stakeholders with information about the scope and function of the assessment program.
- Test Design Summaries provide a map or blueprint for how each assessment is designed. The summaries show the standards assessed within each reporting category and the representation of each category, in percentages, on the test.
- The updated FSA Test Item Specifications and Test Design Summaries can now be accessed athttps://fsassessments.org/about-the-fsas.stml#interpretive-information
Updated FSA Paper-Based Practice Tests and Answer Keys
- Students who will take the FSA English Language Arts (ELA) Reading and Mathematics paper-based tests are encouraged to use the practice tests to familiarize themselves with the various item types they may encounter on the assessments prior to the operational test.
- Additionally, students with a braille or large accommodation must participate in a practice test session using the appropriate accommodated practice materials. These materials are provided by the FLDOE and will be delivered to schools in late January 2019.
- The Updated FSA Paper-Based Practice Tests and Answer Keys are now available at:https://fsassessments.org/students-and-families/practice-tests/paper-based-materials/paper-based-practice-test-materials.stml
We hope to inspire students to succeed and demonstrate the full range of their knowledge by testing with integrity thereby earning valid and merit based results.